Get the chance to perform in a full symphonic setting
In person auditions will be August 25th for woodwinds, brass, and percussion.
Video submissions for woodwinds, brass, and percussion are due August 25th by 8pm.
In person auditions will be September 4th for strings.
Video submissions for strings are due September 5th by 8pm.
Please bring a prepared solo or etude that best showcases your musical ability. All-Region etudes are acceptable (a technical & lyrical passage is preferred).
Please bring a short prepared solo or portion of All-Region etude on a mallet instrument (either two mallets or four-mallet, not both), timpani, or snare.
Choose 2 major scales from the following keys –
C, F, Bb, Eb, G, D, A
1 or 2 octaves, all slurred or slur 2/tongue 2, at a tempo you can play accurately